#57 Sorry, No

Sorry, no.

When was the last time you were rejected?  Was it painful?  Did you dwell on it?

Fear of rejection is very common. Unfortunately, it can prevent us from achieving our goals because we don’t ask for what we want.

When Jia Jiang moved from China to the US, he dreamed of becoming an entrepreneur. However, he knew his fear of rejection was holding him back.  Jiang therefore embarked on 100 Days of Rejection, during which he made ridiculous requests to strangers, such as borrowing $100 or asking for Olympic-style doughnuts.  Jiang overcame his fear, his videos went viral, and he became CEO of Rejection Therapy.

Rejection therapy is a form of stress inoculation training that increases our confidence through exposure to mild stress. Additionally, by seeking out rejection, we begin associating rejection with success rather than failure.

Want to assess your rejection resilience?  Take this quiz, then go get rejected!


#58 The Magic Question


#56 Let’s Chat