By CUBIC Director, Allison Zelkowitz
#83 How to Decide
Are you facing any big decisions at the moment?
If so, DON’T use a pros and cons list!
Dr. Annie Duke, decision science expert, world champion poker player, and author of the book How to Decide, has bad news about pros and cons lists: they don’t help us compare choices, and they’re prone to bias.
#82 If Life Gives You Lemons
When the world is crumbling around you, old adages like “look on the bright side” or “make the best of a bad situation” can sound flippant or hollow. And yet, there is actually scientific truth in such advice.
“Positive Cognitive Reappraisal” is a psychological strategy by which someone actively changes their interpretation of a situation to see it in a more positive way.
#81 You, but Different
𝘗𝘪𝘤𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘧 𝘪𝘯 10 𝘺𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘴: Will you still be the same? How much will your personality, values and preferences change?
𝘕𝘰𝘸 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬 10 𝘺𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘴: How different were you then?
#80 Someday Never Comes
Do you ever procrastinate? Almost everyone does at some point, especially on difficult tasks, like writing, studying, or exercising. However, research by Suzanne Shu and Ayelet Gneezy reveals that people also regularly postpone enjoyable experiences.
#79 I Feel You
If you have been feeling shocked, scared, or angry lately, you are not alone.
As described by Psychologist Amit Goldberg in this enlightening podcast, while most of us don’t think about emotions as collective experiences, they are, in fact, shared. Emotional contagion is the human tendency to adopt the emotions of our social surroundings.
#78 Just Bin It
Think back to a time you felt really angry, perhaps after you argued with a colleague or family member. Did you do anything to calm down, like distract yourself or reframe the situation?
#77 Finding Middle Ground
Have you ever been in conflict with another colleague or team? How did you feel about their ideas and suggestions?
Reactive devaluation refers to the tendency to dismiss a proposal simply because it comes from an opposing party, regardless of its actual merits.
#76 How to Become a Supercommunicator
Do you ever wish you could improve your conversation skills?Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Charles Duhigg spent years investigating the science of communication.
#75 Share the Joy
Have you ever felt particularly moved, and connected to those around you, while you were at a concert, a religious ceremony, or a sporting event?
#74 When I’m Sixty-Four
Did you make any New Year’s Resolutions? One common resolution is to save more money, which can be difficult because it requires sacrificing now for payoffs later.
#72 Old beliefs die hard
Do you know anyone who – despite being presented with strong evidence – continues to hold false beliefs about climate change, vaccinations, or other issues?
#71 Oh, Honey, you shouldn’t have!
Are you someone who loves choosing gifts, or does the thought of picking out gifts fill you with dread?
#70 The Truth about Teen Motivation
Do you have a pre-teen or teenager at home? Or do you work on programs focused on adolescents?
#69 I knew it all along!
Have you ever chosen an investment, started a relationship, or made a decision at work that turned out badly?
#68 The Clock is Ticking
When was the last time you felt pressed for time? (I’m guessing it wasn’t that long ago!)
#67 Connecting the Dots of Your Life
Have you been feeling adrift or disconnected from “who you are” lately?
#66 Flip your own script
Have you ever struggled with a big decision – like whether to split with your partner or change jobs – and found you couldn’t make up your mind?
#64 It’s not my place . . . or is it?
When people encounter situations we find unfair or reprehensible, we often feel angry or outraged. And yet, most of us do not intervene in issues that don’t affect us directly. Why?
#63 The Struggle of Second Best
Have you ever come in 2nd place, perhaps for a job you wanted, or during a school athletic or academic competition?