#74 When I’m Sixty-Four
Did you make any New Year’s Resolutions? One common resolution is to save more money, which can be difficult because it requires sacrificing now for payoffs later.
#72 Old beliefs die hard
Do you know anyone who – despite being presented with strong evidence – continues to hold false beliefs about climate change, vaccinations, or other issues?
#71 Oh, Honey, you shouldn’t have!
Are you someone who loves choosing gifts, or does the thought of picking out gifts fill you with dread?
#70 The Truth about Teen Motivation
Do you have a pre-teen or teenager at home? Or do you work on programs focused on adolescents?
#69 I knew it all along!
Have you ever chosen an investment, started a relationship, or made a decision at work that turned out badly?
#68 The Clock is Ticking
When was the last time you felt pressed for time? (I’m guessing it wasn’t that long ago!)
#67 Connecting the Dots of Your Life
Have you been feeling adrift or disconnected from “who you are” lately?
#66 Flip your own script
Have you ever struggled with a big decision – like whether to split with your partner or change jobs – and found you couldn’t make up your mind?
#64 It’s not my place . . . or is it?
When people encounter situations we find unfair or reprehensible, we often feel angry or outraged. And yet, most of us do not intervene in issues that don’t affect us directly. Why?
#63 The Struggle of Second Best
Have you ever come in 2nd place, perhaps for a job you wanted, or during a school athletic or academic competition?
#62 Elastic Habits
Have you ever tried to establish a daily habit, like morning exercise or taking an online course, only to start strong but eventually stop completely?
#61 What is the meaning of YOUR life?
When you picture “therapy,” what comes to mind? Perhaps reflecting on one’s upbringing, experiences, emotions, and behaviors?
#60 This Too Shall Pass
Have you been feeling stressed lately, perhaps due to an impending work deadline, conflict with a colleague or family member, or the Fit for Future restructure?
#59 What the Largest Study Says about Changing Human Behavior
Have you ever designed programs or activities with the goal of changing behavior? Did you wonder what really works?
#57 Sorry, No
When was the last time you were rejected? Was it painful? Did you dwell on it?
#56 Let’s Chat
Think back to the last time you took the train, bus, or a flight – did you strike up a conversation with the person next to you?
#55 Reaping those Rewards
Do you ever tell yourself, “I’ll just check Instagram/Tik Tok/Facebook for five minutes, then I’ll go to bed”?
#54 Saying Is Believing
As behavioral science often teaches, when our actions change first, our attitudes and beliefs may follow.