#67 Connecting the Dots of Your Life

Connecting the Dots of Your Life

Have you been feeling adrift or disconnected from “who you are” lately? Sometimes disruptive life events like job transitions, relationship changes, or health issues can cause an unsettling loss of sense of self, a feeling psychologists call "self-discontinuity." 

Self-continuity, on the other hand, is the feeling of being connected to who you've been across time, and it provides a sense of stability and purpose. Fascinatingly, research has found that engaging in nostalgia – revisiting fond memories from the past – can restore a sense of continuity between our previous and present selves by:

·       Highlighting key “chapters” or milestones in our life – including challenges we overcame

·       Casting our past selves and experiences in a positive light

·       Filtering out negative memories

If you're feeling a little lost amidst change, try some nostalgia. Savor a few memories, stories, or mementos from your past. Connecting with who you’ve been, can help reveal who you still are.


#68 The Clock is Ticking


#66 Flip your own script