#22: Test, Test, Test

Adding an extra dose of behavioral science to your week with our series In a Nutshell— a collection of behavioral science principles, explained in 150 words or less, written weekly by CUBIC director Allison Zelkowitz.

Imagine this: you’re working on a health communication campaign to encourage vaccination, and your team has crafted three messages you think might work.

How do you know which will actually be effective?

Among behavioral scientists, the answer usually is: “Test them!” As described in this illuminating podcast (which includes discussions of Ben Franklin, “mesmerizing,” and fundraising) experiments, a.k.a. randomized controlled trials, are a rigorous way to determine which intervention (if any) will have an impact. 

In 2022, CUBIC collaborated with the Pakistan Country Office to test three phone call-based Bulk Voice Messages (BVMs) to encourage COVID-19 vaccination, particularly among populations with lower literacy levels and limited smartphone access. Our A/B tests (one form of randomized trial) revealed that the message debunking myths about vaccination and pregnancy led to the highest engagement. Plus, we reached over 400,000 people at a cost of $0.02USD each.

See our full GLEAN publication to learn more: https://resourcecentre.savethechildren.net/document/glean-gathering-learning-evidence-analysis-and-news-issue-4-using-bulk-voice-messages-to-increase-covid-19-vaccination-uptake-in-rural-pakistan/


#23: The First Instinct Fallacy


#21: Whose team are you on?