#40: Approach That Goal

Adding an extra dose of behavioral science to your week with our series In a Nutshell— a collection of behavioral science principles, explained in 150 words or less, written weekly by CUBIC director Allison Zelkowitz.

Did you set any New Year’s resolutions? 

In the US, the 2nd Friday in January is known as “Quitters Day” because many people have already abandoned their resolutions by then.

If this sounds familiar, don’t give up!

Research has shown that how you frame your goal matters:

  • Avoidant goals: what you DON’T want to do, e.g. “eat less junk food” or “stop scrolling on my phone at bedtime.

  • Approach goals: what you DO want to do, e.g. “eat fruit when I crave a snack” or “read a book at bedtime.”

As Cognitive Scientist Dr. Maya Shankar explains in this podcastavoidant goals can give us a sense of relief (“I didn’t screw up today”) but they are negative and less motivating. They also bring to mind what we DON’T want to do, and can trigger that exact behavior. Conversely, approach goals are positive, help us feel proud, and promote endurance.


#41 Get Away from it All (a Lot)


#39: The Secret to Happiness, Health and Longevity