#53 Coming of Age

Coming of Age

Do you ever long for your younger days, when you could work harder and stay out later, you faced fewer aches and pains, and . . . um . . . where was I . . . you could remember everything?

Well, there is some good news about getting older:  a robust body of psychological research confirms that, in terms of our character and emotional stability, we get better with age. 

As highlighted in this podcast, the maturity principle explains that, in general, people become more conscientious, compassionate, understanding, self-aware, and considerate as they progress through adulthood.  We also experience fewer negative emotions, such as fear, frustration, anger, and pessimism.

So, whether you’re in your twenties and still riding emotional rollercoasters, or you’re approaching or experiencing middle age (or older), remember you have something to look forward to:  navigating life’s challenges will get easier, as we grow older and wiser.


#54 Saying Is Believing


#52 Have We Met?